
参与: 《當代中國史稿》訂購單(图)

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Oct 28th 2013, 00:37

Contemporary Chinese Historical Records

Purchase order




書 名Title


當 代中國史稿 Contemporary Chinese Historical Records


作 者Author


黃 河清Huang Heqing


出 版者Publisher


天 語Tianyu


開 本Format


十 六开16K


裝 訂Binding


精 裝Hardcover


國 際書號ISBN




頁 數Pages





購 買者姓名

Purchaser name


郵 址

Post address









本 書價格

Book Price


私 人購買

private purchaser



港元690 HK $

美元元100 US $


機 關團體購買

Institutional purchaser



港元900 HK $

美元150 US $










Postal costs seaway

for each copy

港元100 HK $

美元15 US $


Postal costs airmail

for each copy

港元300 HK $

美元50 US $


總 計費用



港元/美元HK $/US $

備 註



"Total"means book price x copies and then plus postal costs.


Books will send out within 10 days after receiving the payment in the following bank account.




收 款人賬戶姓名

Receiver's name



Dong Xin


開 戶銀行名

Bank's name


加 拿大匯豐銀行

HSBC, Canada



開 戶銀行地址

Bank's address

888 Dundas Street

East Mississauga,

ON L4Y 2B8, Canada






銀 行帳號

Bank Account No.





690 HK dollar or

100 US dollar




銀 行電匯代碼

Bank SWIFT Code








聯 繫人信息

Contact persons

盛雪 Sheng Xue

電 話tele1-416-840-2872

電子信箱 emailshengxue@gmail.com 









 本書封面 Book's cover



A Short Presentation of the Book


《當代中國史稿》是一九八九年後流亡西班牙的中國作家、學者黃河清獨立修撰的當代中國歷史著作,作者仿照司馬遷《史記》體例,將全書分為列傳七十、運動三十、本紀十五、表八,詳 盡記錄一九四九年至二零零九年的當代中國(包括港台及海外)的事件與人物近千條,並作出個人精闢簡練的評價,其獨特歷史 觀與迄今為止的官修或學院出版的當代中國歷史著作形成鮮明對照,更客觀全面真實,是世界各地圖書館中文部、中國歷史研究 機構與學者應備的參考書。

Contemporary Chinese Historical Records is compiled independently by Huang Heqing, a Chinese writer and scholar who has lived in exile in Spain since 1989. It adopts the categories' system of Historical Records by Sima Qian and divides the book into biographies, movements, tables, etc. The Book records in details more than one thousand of the historical events and persons in China (including Taiwan, Hong Kong and oversea Chinese communities) from 1949 to 2009, and the author gives his personal brilliantly concise comments and evaluations. His particular outlook of the history is a sharp contrast to the official historical books so far published and is more objective, comprehensive and authentic. It is an important reference book that all libraries, research institutions or scholars of Chinese studies in the world should reserve.

本書封底 Book's back





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